America Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
AAP has years of investigation about the best things to care for your newborn. I follow everything, I want to care for your baby in the best safe way. To make that happen, here are some of the products that have been recalled:
Do - Not - Get - These - Products
Rock’n Play
This product has been recalled because of many cases babies got obstructed their airway.
Can baby sleep in a rock n Play?
Inclined Sleep – Babies should sleep on a flat surface. Even if you have a baby with reflux who spits up, he is still safer sleeping flat. When babies are inclined at the 30-degree angle of most Rock ‘n Play seats, they have poor breathing posture. Their head can tilt forward or to the side and their abdomens curl inward.
The DockATot is a canoe-shaped cushioned product that claims to “reinvent the womb” by creating a snug and warm environment for babies, BUT this product has been recalled because babies have suffocated.
Read Article and this one, and also this.
Crib Bumpers
Crib Bumpers have caused injury and death from suffocation and entrapment. Bumper Pads reduce air flow and SIDS risk may be increased by overheating or re-breathing stale air. Toddlers may use bumpers to assist climbing out of crib, leading to falls and injury.
Baby Brezza
‘Defective’ Baby Brezza Formula Mixers Produced ‘Watered Down‘ Baby Formula.